Abbey Antiquarian Books
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1. Antiquarian (before 1700)
2. Antiquarian (1700-1900)
3. Children's Books (before 1900
4. Children's Books (after 1900)
5. Pop-ups and Movables
6. Paper Dolls
7. Bewick and Woodengraving
8. Fable and Emblem Books
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14. English Topography
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18. Military
19. Natural History
20. Poetry
21. Religion
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All Authors
A'Beckett, Gilbert Abbott
A'Beckett, Thomas
A'Kempis, Thomas (1380-1471)
A.L.O.E. (Charlotte M. Tucker)
Abbot, George (Archbishop)
Abbott, Jacob
Ackermann, R.
Adair, Cecil
Adam, Alexander
Adams, Douglas
Adams, Richard
Adams, W.H.Davenport
Addison, Joseph
Adye, Sir John Miller (1819-1900
Ainsworth, William Harrison
Albites, Achille
Alcott, Louisa M.
Alexander, Jerome
Alexander,James Edward (Captain)
Ali, Beatrice
Allen, Nathan
Allestree, Richard
Allinson, T.R.
Amhurst, N.
Amis, Kingsley
Amstutz, Dr. Walter
Andersen, Hans Christian
Anderson, Kevin J.
Andre?, Richard (1834-1907)
Anscombe, Roderick
Ansell, Colonel Sir Mike
Anstey, Christopher
Apuleius, Lucius
Aquilar, Grace
Archer, Jeffrey
Argentré, Bertrand d (1519-1590)
Ariosto, Ludovico (1474-1533)
Aristotle [pseudonym]
Arnauld, Antoine (1612-1694)
Arnim, Elizabeth von
Arnold, Matthew
Arnold, N.S.
Arthur, T.S.
Ashton, Helen
Ashton, John
Aspin, J.
Attenborough, David
Attwell, Mabel Lucie (1879-1964)
Augustine, Saint Bishop of Hippo
Aurelius Antoninus, Marcus
Austen, Jane (1775-1817)
Ayres, Ruby M.
B B [Denys Watkins-Pitchford]
Babington, Charles
Babington, E. R.
Bacon, Francis (1561-1626)
Bacon, M.A. (Mary Ann)
Baedeker, Karl
Bagatta, Giovanni Bonifacio
Bagby, George
Bain, J. Arthur
Bainbridge, Beryl
Baker, Richard (Sir Richard)
Baker, Sarah Schoonmaker
Ballantyne, R.M.
Ballard, E.G.
Baltus, Jean Francois
Bamford, John M.
Bannerman, Helen (1862-1946)
Barker, Robert (d.1642 printer)
Barnes, Albert
Barnewall, R.V.
Baroness Von Hutten
Barrough, Philip
Barrow, Isaac (1630-1677)
Bartholin, Thomas (1616-1680)
Bates, H. E.
Bates, William
Bathurst, William
Baxter, Andrew (1686?-1750)
Bayle, Pierre (1647-1706)
Beaton, Cecil (1904-1980)
Beatrice, Her Royal Highness
Beattie, James
Becker, Professor
Beeton, Mrs. (1836-1865)
Behan, Noel
Bell, C.D. "Cousin Kate"
Bellermann, Ludwig
Bellew, J. C.M.
Belloc, Hilaire (1870-1953)
Bennett, Charles H. (1829-1867)
Bentley, Nicolas
Berens, E.
Berni, Francesco
Berquin, Arnaud (1747-1791)
Bert, Paul
Besant, Walter (1836-1901)
Besse, Joseph
Bewick, Thomas (1753-1828)
Bickle, Judith
Billings, Robert William
Binder, Helene
Bingham, Caleb
Bingham, Clifton (1859-1913)
Bird, Robert
Birket Foster (illustrator)
Blackburn, Henry
Blair, Rev. David [pseudonym]
Blakston, W.A.
Blanchard, P.
Blatchford, Robert
Blessington, Countess of
Bloomfield, Robert
Blundell, S.P.
Blyton, Enid
Bolton, Sarah K.
Bon Gaultier
Bona, Giovanni (1609-1674)
Bonney, T.G.
Bontius, Jacobus (1592-1631)
Borrow, George
Bory de St. Vincent
Boswell, James (1740-1795)
Bouchot, Henri
Bouverie, Fred W.B.
Bowen, C.E.
Bradbury, Malcolm
Braine, John
Braine, Sheila E.
Braithwaite, William C.
Bramston, James
Bramston, Mary
Braun, Isabella
Bray, Mrs. Reginald
Brazil, Angela (1869-1947)
Breton, M.
Bridges, Robert
Bridie, James
Brightman, Thomas (1562-1607)
British Museum Department of MSS
Brock, Carey (Mrs.)
Bronte, Charlotte (1816-1855)
Bronte, Emily
Brooke, Rupert
Brooks, Emma Frances
Brooks, Helena
Brooks, S. H.
Brown, Richard
Browne, Annabella Maria
Browne, Sir Thomas (1605-1682)
Browning, Elizabeth Barrett
Browning, Robert (1812-1889)
Brunhoff, Jean de (1899-1937)
Bruno, Vincentius
Brush, E.F.
Bryant, Arthur (1899-1985)
Brydges, Thomas
Buchan, John
Buchanan, George (1506-1582)
Buckingham, J.S.
Buckler, John Chessell
Buffon, Comte de (1707-88)
Bulwer, John
Bunbury, Henry William
Bunbury, Selina
Bunyan, John
Burcker, E.
Burckhardt, Abel
Burckhardt, Carl J.
Burckhardt, Erwin
Burckhardt, Jacob
Burnand, F.C.
Burnet, Gilbert (1643-1715)
Burnet, Thomas (1635?-1715)
Burnett, Frances Hodgson
Burns, Robert (1759-1796)
Burrough, Edward
Bursill, Henry
Burton, Alfred
Burton, William (1609-1657)
Busch, Wilhelm
Butler, Ellis Parker
Butler, Mrs. Caroline H.
Butler, Samuel
Butterworth, Hezekiah
Buxtorf, Johann (1599-1664)
Byron, Lord George (1788-1824)
Cabrera, Christophorus
Caine, Hall (1853-1931)
Caldecott, Randolph
Calvin, John (1509-1564)
Camden, William (1551-1623)
Camerarius, Philipp (1537-1624)
Cameron, Isabel
Campbell, Thomas
Camus, Jean-Pierre
Canning, George
Careri, John Francis Gemelli
Carew, Bampfylde-Moore
Carey, Rosa Nouchette
Carleton, John William
Carlyle, Thomas (1795-1881)
Carroll, Lewis (1832-1898)
Cary, John (ca. 1754-1835)
Cassia, Simon de
Cathrall, William
Cats, Jacob (1577-1660)
Catullus, Caius Valerius
Celsus, Aulus Cornelius
Cerf, Bennett
Chambers, Ephraim (c.1680-1740)
Chamisso, A. von
Chanut, Abbé (ie Abbot)
Charles I, King of England
Charles II, King of England
Chaucer, Geoffrey (d 1400)
Cheyney, Peter
Chomel, A.F.
Christie, Agatha (1890-1976)
Churchill, Winston
Cicero, Marcus Tullius
Clark, David Stafford-
Clarke, Arthur C.
Clarke, Ebenezer
Clarke, Francis L.
Clarke, Leonard
Clarke, Mary Cowden (1809-98)
Clarkson, L.
Clayton, Ellen O.
Cleland, Henry Wilson
Clifton, John
Cobb, James F.
Coker, A.M.
Coleman, W.S.
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor
Collier, Jeremy
Collingwood, Cuthbert, Admiral
Colman, George
Colne, Earle
Comenius, Johann Amos
Comfort, Alex
Commynes, Philippe de
Conder, Josiah
Congreve, William
Conrad, Joseph
Constantinus, Robertus
Conti, Natale (1520-1582)
Cook, Thomas
Cooper, James Fennimore
Corner, Miss [Julia] (1798-1875)
Cottin, Madame
Courtilz de Sandras, Gatien de
Cousin Kate (C.D.Bell)
Cowen, Frances
Cowley, Abraham
Cowper, William
Cox, Palmer
Cox, Richard
Craik, Mrs. (1826-1887)
Crane, Walter (1845-1915)
Crawford, F. Marion
Creasey, John
Creighton, Mandell
Crener, W.H.
Cressy, Hugh Paulin (Serenus)
Crithannah, Job
Crockett, S.R.
Croke, George, Sir (1560-1642)
Croker, John Wilson
Crompton, Frances E.
Crone, Anne
Croxall, Samuel
Crusius, Martin (1526-1607)
Culverwell, R.J.
Cundall, Joseph
Damhouder, Joost de
Damoglou, Effie
Dane, Clemance
Daniell, Edward (Surgeon)
Danty, M. (Avocat)
Darnell, George
Darwin, Charles (1809-1882)
Darwin, Erasmus (1731-1802)
Daryl, A. J.
Daudet, Alphonse
Davis, Ellen Louisa
Davis, William S.
Day, Thomas (1748-1789)
De Calabrella, Baroness
de Grey, Thomas
Deeping, Warwick
Defoe, Daniel (1661?-1731)
Deighton, Len
Delacroix, Jaques
Delkeskamp, Friedrich
Denison, Edmund Beckett
Desbeaux, Emile
Desbrosses, A.
Desmarets de Saint-Sorlin, Jean
Dibdin, T.
Dick, Kay (Jeremy Scott)
Dickens, Charles (1812-1870)
Dickens, Monica
Dickinson, James
Dionis, P. (1650-1718)
Disney, Walt (1901-1966)
Donne, John (1572-1631)
Dostoyevsky, Fedor
Dove, James W.
Doyle, Arthur Conan (1859-1930)
Doyle, James
Doyle, Richard (1824-1883)
Drake, James
Draper, B.H.
Draper, Rev. Bourne Hall
Drayton, Michael (1563-1631)
Drelincourt, Charles
Dremel, Edouard
Drexel, Jeremias (1581-1638)
Dryden, John (1631-1700)
Du Maurier, Daphne
Du Maurier, George
Dudley, Robert
Duez, Nathanael
Dumas, Alexandre (1802-1870)
Duncan, David
Duncan, Ronald
Durang, Mary (Mrs.)
Durrell, Lawrence
Dyer, Thomas H.
Eastwood, Helen J.
Ecton, John
Eden, Horatia (nee Gatty)
Eden, Janet
Edgar, John G.
Edgeworth, Maria (1767-1849)
Edwards, John
Edwards, Sydenham
Egan, Pierce
Ehrensvaerd, Carl August
Eliot, George (1819-1880)
Eliot, T.S. (1888-1965)
Elliott, E. S.
Elmes, James (Architect)
Emery, Marie
Erasmus, Desiderius (d. 1536)
Ernest, Charles
Estienne, Henri (H. Stephanus)
Estor, Johann Georgen
Eustachius, Bartholomaeus
Ewald, Alex. C.
Ewerbeck, Franz
Ewing, Juliana H. (1841-1885)
Eyries, Jean Baptiste Benoit
Fairlie, Gerard
Falconer, William (1732-1769)
Falkener, Edward
Faucon, Emma
Faulkner, Keith
Faussett, Bryan
Fe?nelon, Franc?ois de Salignac
Fearnside, W.G.
Featherstonehaugh, C.F.C.
Feltham, Owen (1602?-1668)
Fenn, G. Manville
Fenoil, Madame de
Ferrari, Giovanni Battista(1584-
Ferrarius, Philippus (d. 1626)
Field, Rachel
Fielding, Henry (1707-1754)
Fielding, T.H.
Firmian, Petro (pseudonym)
Fish, D.T.
Fisher, David E.
Fisher, James
Fitch, J.G.
Fitton, Elizabeth & Sarah
Fitzgerald, Sarah Jane
Fleetwood, William
Fletcher, Rev. W.
Fleuriot, Senaide
Fleury, M.
Florian, J. P.
Florus, Lucius Annaeus
Floyd, Cornelia
Forster, William J.
Forsyth, Frederick
Fosbrooke, Thomas Dudley
Fougasses, Thomas de
Fouilloux, Jacques du
Fouquet, Marie de Maupeou
Fournier, C.F.
Fox, John (1516-1587)
Francis, Clare
Francis, Dick
Franks, Thomas (M.D.)
Fraser, Antonia
Fraungruber, Hans M.
Frederic II King of Prussia
Freeling, Nicolas
French, James Weir
Frere, A.F.
Frere, John Hookham (b. 1769)
Frith, Henry
Froissart, John
Frolich, L.
Fromondus, Libertus
Frost, Robert
Fry, Christopher
Fuller, S. and J. (publishers)
Fuller, Thomas DD (1608-1661)
Funck, David
Gaffarel, Jacques
Gale, Thomas (1635?-1702)
Galsworthy, John
Gann, Ernest K.
Gardner, Helen
Gardner, John
Garner, William
Garratt, W.A.
Garrett, Edward
Gash, Jonathan
Gastineau, Henry (ca.1791-1876)
Gatty, Mrs. Alfred (1809-1873)
Gay, John (1685-1732)
Gedik, Simon
Gellius, Aulus
Georgius, Pisida
Gerard, F.C.
Gerard, Morice
Gerson, Virginia
Gessner, Solomon
Gibbings, Robert (1889-1958)
Gibran, Kahlil
Gibson, Thomas (1647-1722)
Gilliat, E.
Giovius, Paolo, Bishop of Nocera
Girard, Guillaume
Gladstone, W. E. (1809-1898)
Glanvill, Joseph (1636-1680)
Glass, Salomon (1593-1656)
Gleig, George R.
Gobinot, M.
Gobler, Justin
Godolphin, John (1617-1678)
Goldsmith, Oliver (1730?-1774)
Golius, Theophilus (1528-1600)
Gomme, Geo. Laurence
Gonzalez, Emanuel
Goodman, John (1625/6-1690)
Goodrich, S. G.
Gordon, Adam Lindsay
Gordon, Richard
Gordon, W. J.
Gori, Antonio Francesco
Goscinny, Rene (1926-1977)
Gotthelf, Jeremias
Gough, John
Gould, Marcus T.
Goulding, F. R.
Graber, Rudolf
Graham, Edith
Grahame, Kenneth (1859-1932)
Grandineau, F.
Gray, Thomas (1716-1771)
Great Britain, Parliament
Green, E. Everett
Green, Evelyn Everett-
Greenaway, Kate (1846-1901)
Greene, Graham
Greenwood, James
Grenville, William
Grey, Zane
Grimm, Brothers
Gropper, Johannes (1503-1559)
Grosssmith, George & Weedon
Grotius, Hugo (1583-1645)
Guerin, Arsene
Guggenbuhl & Thurer
Guillim, John (1565-1621)
Gunter, Archibald Clavering
Habberton, John
Hadfield, John
Haffter, Magdalena
Hakluyt, Richard (1552?-1616)
Hale, Sir Matthew (1609-1676)
Hall, Robert
Hall, S.R.
Hallard, M.
Hallock, Mary A.
Hammer, S.H.
Hammond, Henry (1605-1660)
Hanger, General George
Hardy, Thomas (1840-1928)
Hargreaves, Roger
Harral, Thomas
Harris, Joel Chandler (1848-1908
Harris, Robert
Harrison, Charles
Hartley, John
Harvey, William (1578-1657)
Haslewood, Constance
Heath, Richard Ford
Hebblethwaite, A.
Helps ,Sir Arthur
Hemingway, Ernest
Hendschel, Albert
Henfrey, Henry William
Henley, William Ernest
Hennedy, Roger
Henriques, Robert
Henry VIII, King of England
Hensberg, Vincent (d. 1634)
Henty, G. A. (1832-1902)
Herbert, A.P.
Herbert, George
Herman, Reinhold L.
Hewson, J. James
Heyer, Georgette (1902-1974)
Heylyn, Peter (also spelt Heylin
Higgis, Matthew James
Hill, John (Revd.)
Hine, Joseph
Hobbes, Thomas (1588-1679)
Hocking, Joseph
Hocking, Silas K. (1850-1935)
Hoffmann, Heinrich (1809-1894)
Hofland, Mrs. (Barbara 1770-1844
Holbein, Hans (1497-1543)
Holinshed, Raphael (d.1580?)
Holtby, Winifred
Holwell, J. Z.
Hone, William (1780-1842)
Hood, Rev. Paxton
Hood, Thomas (1799-1845)
Hooker, Richard (1553/4-1600)
Hooper, Mary
Hope, Anthony (1863-1933)
Hoppus, Edward (d. 1739)
Horace (Q. Horatius Flaccus)
Hort, John Josiah
Hort, W. Jillard
Houghton, Lord
Houghton, Rev. W.
Household, Geoffrey
Housman, Laurence
Howard, Frank
Howard, Lady Harriet
Howell, William (1631 or 2-1683)
Howitt, Mary (1799 -1888)
Hubbard, Elbert
Hughes, Thomas (1822-1896)
Hughes, William
Hume, David (1711-1776)
Hunt, Leigh (1784-1859)
Hunt, Wray
Hunter, Evan
Hunter, John (1728-1793)
Hutchinson, James
Hutchison, William
Huxley, Aldous
Hyginus, Caius Julius
Ibsen, Henrik (1828-1906)
Idle, Christopher
Ingelow, Jean (1820-1897)
Ingoldsby, Thomas
Innes, Michael
Irenaeus, Saint (Bishop of Lyons
Irving, Washington
James I, King of England
James, G.P.R.
James, P. D.
Jansen, Cornelius (1510-1576)
Jardine, Sir William (editor)
Jeffers, H. Paul
Jerningham, Hubert E.
Jerome, Jerome K. (1859-1927)
Jerram, Mrs. (Jane E. Holmes)
Jerrold, Douglas (1893- )
Jervis, Lady
Jesse, F.
Johns, Capt. W.E. (1893-1968)
Johns, Rev. C.A. (1811-1874)
Johnson, Joseph
Johnson, Pamela Hansford
Johnson, R.
Johnson, Samuel (1709-1784)
Johnston, James F.W.
Johnston, Robert
Johnstone, C.I. (1781-1857)
Jones, H.M.
Jong, Erica
Josephus, Flavius
Jovius, Paul (or Giovio,Paul)
Jumel, J. C.
Justin (M. Junianus Justinus)
Juvenal (D. Junius Juvenalis)
Kaestner, Erich
Kampen, Albert von
Keane, Molly
Keate, George
Keating, H.R.F.
Keats, John (1795-1821)
Keith, Alexander
Kennett, Basil (1674-1715)
Khayyam, Omar
King, Richard
Kingsley, Charles (1819-1875)
Kingston, William H.G.
Kipling, Rudyard (1865-1936)
Kirby, Elizabeth
Kirby, W. F.
Kitchiner, William
Knapp, H. J.
Knatchbull-Hugessen, E .H.
Knight, Charles (1791-1873)
Knowles, John
Koch, Rosalie
Kohl, J. G.
Kohlrausch, Frederick
Konig, Dr. F.
Kotzebue, August von
Kranz, Dr. C. A.
Kronheim, Joseph (1810-1896)
Kronoff, Frida von
Kubasta, Vojtech
L'Estrange, Sir Roger (1616-1704
La Fontaine, Jean de (1621-1695)
Lacroix, Paul (1806-1884)
Laing, B.
Lamb, Charles (1775-1834)
Lamb, Charles and Mary
Lambard, William (1536-1601)
Lamplough, Robert Rev.
Lancaster, Osbert
Lancelotti, Secondo (1585-1643)
Lane, Elinor Macartney
Lang, Andrew (1844-1912)
Langdale, Hon. Charles
Lapide, Cornelius (1567-1637)
Larive, M.
Lathbury, Mary A.
Laurens, André (1558-1609)
Laurie, Dr.
Lavater, Johann Caspar
Law, Mary nee Christian
Lawrence, D. H.
Layard, Arthur
Lazarillo de Tormes
Le Carré, John
Le Feuvre, Amy
Le Pelletier, Jean (1633-1711)
Lea, William, Archdeacon
Leacock, Stephen
Lear, Edward (1812-1888)
Lee, Albert
Lehmann, Rosamond
Leigh, Percival
Leighton, Robert
Lemercier, Adrien
Lemon, Don
Lermont, L.
LeSage, Alain René (1668-1747)
Leslie, Emma
Lever, Charles (1806-1872)
Lewis, C. S. (1898-1963)
Lewis, D. B. Wyndham
Leycester, Sir Peter
Liermann, Hans
Liesching, L. F.
Lindsay, Jack
Linklater, Eric
Livy (Titus Livius)
Llewellyn, Richard
Loader, W. R.
Lock, Walter
Locke, John (1632-1704)
Lockyer, J. Norman
Loftie, W. J.
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth
Loudon, Mrs. [Jane] (1807-1858)
Lovett, Richard (1851-1904)
Low, Sidney J.
Lowry, Brian
Lucan, Marcus Annaeus
Lucas, E.V.
Lucas, St.John
Lucian of Samosata
Lucretius (T. Lucretius Carus)
Luiken, Jan
Lunn, Wallbridge
Lupton, David
Luther, Martin (1483-1546)
Lydekker, Richard (1849-1915)
Lydon, A.F.
Lyon, Lilian Bowes
Lysons, Daniel & Samuel
Lyttleton, Lord
Lytton, Lord Edward Bulwer
M'Gregor-Robertson, J.
Macaulay, Lord (Thomas Babington
Macaulay, Rose
Machiavelli, Nicolo (1460-1527)
Mackay, Charles
Mackenzie, Kenneth
Mackie, Charles
MacLean, Alistair
Macquoid, Kathartine S.
Macvane, Edith
Madan, Martin (1726-1790)
Maddick, Maud
Madox, Thomas
Mahon, Lord
Maiolus, Simon (Bishop)
Makgill, James
Malham, John
Malherbe, François de (1555-1628
Malory, Sir Thomas
Mamy, J.P.
Manelfi, Giovanni
Mangold, Dr. F.
Manning, Rev. Samuel (1822-1881)
Mansfield, M.
Mara, Grace
Marchant, Jacob
Markham, Gervase (1568?-1637)
Marryat, Captain (1792-1848)
Marsh, J.B.T.
Marsh, Ngaio
Marshall, (Emma) Mrs.
Marshall, H.E. (1867-1941)
Martin, Beverley
Martineau, Harriet (1802-1876)
Masefield, John (1878-1967)
Mason, W.
Masur, Harld Q.
Mateaux, C.L.
Matthew, James E.
Matthews, Dr. W.R.
Maud, Constance Elizabeth
Maugham, W. Somerset
Maunder, Samuel
Maupertius, Pierre-Louis-Moreau
Maurice, Abel
Mauriceau, Francois
Maurois, André (1885-1967)
Mavor, William (1758-1837)
Maxwell, William Hamilton
Mayhew, Henry (1812-1887)
Mayhew, Horace (1816-1872)
McCandless, Anthony
McCullough, Colleen
McDonald, Marguerite
Meade, L.T. (1854-1914)
Meggendorfer, Lothar
Melville, G.J.
Merriman, Henry Seton
Mesmer, Franz Anton
Metropolitan Anthony
Meursius, Joannes (1579-1639)
Meynell, Alice
Michelet, Jules
Millay, Edna St. Vincent
Miller, Thomas
Milles, Thomas
Mills, Alfred
Milman, H.H.
Milne, A. A. (1882-1956)
Milton, John (1608-1674)
Mitchell, G.
Mitford, Mary Russell (1787-1855
Mogridge, George
Molesworth, Mrs. (1839-1921)
Moll, Herman
Molloy, Charles (1646-1690)
Monsarrat, Nicholas
Montesquieu, Charles (1689-1755)
Moorcock, Michael
Moore, Edward
Moore, Francis
Moore, John (1907-1967)
Moore, Thomas (1779-1852)
Morgan, Charles
Morley, Henry
Morris, Edward E.
Morris, F. O. (1810-1893)
Mortimer, John (1923-2009)
Morton, Harriet
Morton, J. B
Morton, Richard (1637-1698)
Morwood, Vernon S.
Moscherosch, Johann Michael
Moss, Robert (1666-1729)
Moulton, W. Fiddian
Mudie, Robert (1777-1842)
Mulholland, Rosa
Mullooly, Joseph
Mulot, François-Valentin
Murray, Charlotte
Murray, Gilbert (1866-1957)
Murray, Richard
Myers, Robert J.
Nash, Joseph (1808-1878)
Neal, Daniel
Neny, Patrice-Francois de
Nepos, Cornelius
Newcomb, Harvey
Newman, Edward
Newton, W.
Nielsen, O.
Nieremberg, Juan (1595-1658)
Nieuhoff, John
Nieupoort, G.H.
Nister, Ernest
Noorthouck, John
Norris, John (1657-1711)
Northcote, James R.A.
Novarini, Luigi (1594-1650)
Noyce, Elisha
O'Brien, Edna
O'Brien, Kate
O'Donnell, Mabel
O'Hara, John
Observer's Book
Ogilby, John (1600-1676)
Okri, Ben
Oldfield, Thomas Hinton
Oldham, John (1653-1683)
Omar Khayyam
Onley, Mary
Orczy, Baroness
Orlandini, Niccolo
Orosius, Paulus
Orta, Garcia de
Outhwaite, Ida Rentoul
Ovid (P. Ovidius Naso)
Owen, J. A.
Owen, Rev. William
Page, C. H.
Paley, William (1743-1805)
Palgrave, Francis Turner
Pancirolus, Guy (1523-1599)
Pardoe, Miss (Julia) (1806-1862)
Paris, Matthew (1200-1259)
Parker, John H.
Parker, Richard
Parkinson, C. Northcote
Parkyns, G. J.
Parley, Peter
Parr, Olive Katherine
Parry, Edward Abbott
Parry, Griffith (1827-1901)
Pascal, Blaise (1623-1662)
Paterson, Lieutenant-Colonel
Patrick, Symon (1626-1707)
Paul of Aegina
Paulus, Diaconus (Deacon Paul)
Pauquet, Hippolyte
Peacock, Thomas Love (1785-1866)
Pechel, Dr. Rud.
Pemberton, Max
Penn, William (1644-1717)
Pennington, Isaac
Perefixe de Beaumont, Hardouin
Perotti, Niccolo (1430-1480)
Perrault, Charles (1628-1703)
Perrens, F.-T.
Perrinchief, Richard (1623?-1673
Perry, Commodore
Peters, Ellis
Peters, William Theodore
Peucer, Caspar (1525-1602)
Pezzi, Lorenzo (L. Petius)
Phillip, Arthur
Pin, Lewis Ellies du
Pinnock, George (Rev)
Pitaval, Gayot de
Planche, James Robinson
Pletsch, Oscar (1830-1888)
Pliny (C. Plinius Secundus)
Plomer, Henry R.
Plomer, William
Poe, Edgar Allan (1809-1849)
Pollard, Alfred W.
Polycarp, Saint Bishop of Smyrna
Pomey, Franc?ois Antoine
Pontanus, Johannes Isaac (1571-
Pope, Alexander (1688-1744)
Porson, Richard
Porter, Ebenezer (1772-1834)
Postell, Guillaume (1510-1581)
Potter, Beatrix (1866-1943)
Pouchet, F.A.
Pratt, Anne (1806-1893)
Prechac, Jean de (1647?-1720)
Price, Anthony
Priestley, J. B.
Procopius of Caesarea
Procter, Adelaide Anne
Proust, Marcel (1871-1922)
Pugin, Augustus (1812-1852)
Pulleyn, William
Purchas, Samuel
Putlitz, Gustav zu
Putz, Everilda Von
Rackham, Arthur (1867-1939)
Radford, Dollie
Rafferty, Mike
Raithby, John of Lincoln's Inn
Ralegh, Phillip
Ralston, W.
Ransome, Arthur (1884-1967)
Read, John Lawrence
Read, Miss
Reade, F. E.
Reed, Langford
Rennie, James
Reynolds, Sir Joshua (1723-1792)
Rhyn, Dr Otto Henne
Richmond, Revd. Legh (1772-1827)
Richter, Ludwig
Riecke, C. F.
Ritchie, J. Ewing
Riverius, Lazarus (1589-1653)
Roberts, Cecil
Robertson, Archibald
Robertson, J.S.
Robinson, William
Robson, Mary
Roche, Mazo De La
Rocoles, J. B. de
Rogers, Jame E.
Rohl, Hans (Roehl)
Romaine, W.
Roscoe, William (1753-1831)
Rosengarten, J.G.
Ross, Alexander (1591-1654)
Rossetti, Christina (1830-1894)
Rous, Francis (1579-1659)
Rousselet, Louis
Rowan, Frederica
Rowley, Alexander (1591-1654)
Roy, William
Rudland, E. M.
Rudler, F. W.
Rufus, Q. Curtius
Ruskin, John (1819-1900)
Sabatini, Rafael
Sagan, Françoise (1935- )
Saikaku, Ihara
Saki (Hector Hugh Munro)
Sala, George Ausustus
Salinger, Pierre
Sallust (C. Sallustius Crispus)
Salmon, William (1644-1713)
Sandius, Christopherus
Sandys, George (1578-1644)
Sansom, William
Sapper, Agnes
Sargent, George E.
Sartorius, Georg von
Sassoon, Siegfried (1886-1967)
Saunders, Howard
Savage, Richard Henry
Savary, Jean Julien Michel
Saville, J. F.
Sayers, Dorothy L.
Scaliger, Joseph (1540-1609)
Scamozzi, Vincenzo (1552-1616)
Scepper, Cornelius (or Schepper)
Scheffel, J. V
Schlosser, F. C.
Schmid, Christoph von (1768-1854
Schneider, Max G.
Schonberger, Kathe Olshausen
Schulz, Charles M.
Scott, J. M.
Scott,Walter (1771-1832)
Scupoli, Lorenzo (1530-1610)
Searle, Ronald
Seccombe, Thomas S. (1840-1899)
Selby, Charles
Selden, John (1584-1654)
Sellar, W. C. & R. J. Yeatman
Sennert, Daniel (1572-1637)
Sere, Ferdinand
Sévigné, Marie de Rabutin-
Sewell, Mrs.
Shakespeare, William
Sharpe, R. Bowdler
Shaw, George Bernard
Shaw, Henry
Shaw, Irwin
Sheffield, J. Duke of Buckingham
Shelley, Percy Bysshe
Shelton, Thomas
Shenstone, William
Sheridan, Richard Brinsley
Sherwood, Mary Martha
Sidney, Sir Philip (1554-1586)
Simpson, A.L.
Sitwell, Edith (1887-1964)
Sitwell, Osbert (1892-1969)
Skinner, Michael
Smedley, Frank E.
Smith, Philip
Smith, Richard (1566-1655)
Smith, Sarah
Smith, Sydney (1771-1845)
Smith, W. Percy
Smollett, Tobias (1721-1771)
Snow, C. P.
Sobel, Mme J. de
Society of Friends
Somervile, William
Sotheby, W.
Soulby, W. H.
Spark, Murial
Speaight, Robert
Speed, John (1552-1629)
Spelman, Henry, Sir (1564?-1641)
Spencer, John (d.1680)
Spencer, W.R.
Spender, Stephen
Spenser, Edmund (1552?-1599)
Spinneker, Adriaan
Spinniker, Adriaan (1676-1754)
Spittler, Carl
Sprat, Thomas (1635-17130
Spring, Howard
Stanesby, Samuel
Stanley, William (1647-1731)
Stebbing, Grace
Steinhausen, Karl Wilhelm
Sterne, Laurence (1713-1768)
Sternhold, Thomas
Stevens, Henry
Stevenson, Robert Louis
Stewart, Alexander
Stewart, Mary
Stickelberger, E.
Stillingfleet, Edward (1635-1699
Stockdale, Louise
Story, Florence M.
Stow, J. P.
Stow, John (1525?-1605)
Stowe, Harriet Beecher
Strachey, M.C.
Strutt, Joseph (1749-1802)
Stubbe, Henry
Stumpf, Johannes (1500-1576?)
Sturm, Johannes
Suetonius, Caius Tranquillus
Sultzbergern, Joh. Ulrichn
Surtees, Robert (1805-1864)
Swain, Charles
Swallow, A.
Tabori, Paul
Tacitus, C. Cornelius
Talbot, B.
Talbot, Eleanor W.
Tarbat, Alan C.
Tasso, Torquato (1544-1595)
Tatum. J. W
Taylor, Ann (1782-1866)
Taylor, Issac
Taylor, Jefferys
Taylor, Jeremy (1613-1667)
Taylor, John
Temple, A.G.
Temple, William, Sir (1628-1699)
Tennyson, Alfred Lord (1809-1892
Thackeray, W.M. (1811-1863)
Thayer, Mrs. J.
The Times Special Correspondent
Theroux, Paul
Thomas à Kempis (1380-1471)
Thomas Aquinas (1225?-1274)
Thomas, Robert B.
Thompson, D'Arcy W.
Thompson, Francis
Thompson, Kay
Thompson, Robert
Thomson, A. A.
Thomson, James (1700-1748)
Thorn, Alex
Thorne, James
Thorpe, Rose Hartwick
Tickell, John
Tillinghast, William
Timbs, John
Toepffer, R.
Toland, John
Tollius, Jacobus (1630-1696)
Tomlinson, A. E.
Tomlinson, Charles
Tomlinson, H. M
Townley, Pamela
Townsend, Sue
Tremaine, Sir John
Trench, Richard Chenevix
Trevor, Elleston
Trew, Antony
Trimmer, Mrs. Sarah (1741-1810)
Trollope, Anthony (1815-1882)
Tronson, Robert
Tucker, Elizabeth S.
Tuer, Andrew W
Turner, Dawson
Turner, Elizabeth
Twain, Mark (1835-1910)
Twamley, Louisa Anne (1812-1895)
Tweedie, Jill
Tweedie, W. K.
Tylee, Mrs. George
Tytler, Sarah
Tytler, William
Umphelby, Fanny
Urban, Sylvanus
Ursin, Johann Heinrich
Ustinov, Peter
Uttley, Alison (1884-1976)
Vachell, Horace Annesly
Valentine, Mrs. (= Aunt Louisa)
Vallemont, Pierre Le Lorrain de
Varenius, Bernhard
Venables, Roger
Venning, Mary Anne
Verne, Jules (1828-1905)
Vertot, l'Abbé de
Verus, Joannes Baptista
Vidoudez, Marcel
Vincent of Lerins, Saint
Vinnius, Arnoldus (1588-1657)
Virgil (Vergil, Virgilius Maro)
Vivian, Francis
Voltaire (1694-1778)
Vondel, Joost van den
Vossius, Gerard (1577-1649)
Waggerl, Karl Heinrich
Walden, Bruno
Walford, Edward
Walker, Ellis
Walker, James P.
Walker, John
Walkup, Eunice
Wallace, Robert L.
Waller, Edmund (1606-1687)
Walpole, Horace (1717-1797)
Walpole, Hugh
Walton, Isaac (1593-1638)
Waring, Robert (1614-1658)
Warner Brothers - Seven Arts, In
Warner, George F.
Warner, Susan
Warner, Susan Bogert
Watkins, John
Watson, Alfred E.T.
Watt, Alexander
Watts, Isaac (1674-1748)
Wauch, Mansie
Waugh, Alec
Weatherly,Frederic E.(1848-1929)
Webb, Maria
Webb, William
Webster, Daniel
Wedel, Georg Wolffgang
Weedon, L. L.
Weemes, John (1579?-1636)
Weir, Harrison (1824-1906)
Weldon, Fay
Wells, H.G. (1866-1946)
Wentworth, Patricia
Wepfer, Johann Jacob (1620-1695)
West, Mrs. F. (Theresa)
West, Rebecca
Westheimer, David
Wetzell, Mme
Whately, Edward W.
Wheler, R. B.
White, Henry Kirke (1785-1806)
White, T. H. (1906-1964)
Whiteley, David
Wightwick, George
Wilberforce, Samuel (1805-1873)
Wilde, Charles
Wilde, Oscar (1854-1900)
Wilder, Robert
Willis, Nathaliel P.
Wilson, Andrew
Wilson, Angus
Wilson, Thomas
Wingrave, Marion M.
Winter, J. S.
Wither, George (1588-1667)
Withers, John (1669-1729)
Withrow, W. H.
Wodehouse, P.G. (1881-1975)
Wolff, O. L. B.
Wood, James
Wood, Mrs. Henry (1814-1887)
Wood, Rev. J.G. (1827-1889)
Wood, Samuel
Wood, W.
Woodbury, I. B.
Woodville, William
Wordsworth, William (1770-1850)
Wormell, Richard
Wray, J. Jackson
Wright, Caleb
Wright, Thomas
Wylde, James
Wynne, J. H.
Wyss, Gottlieb
Wyss, Johann David (1743-1818)
Yates, Dornford (1885-1960)
Yonge, Charles (1812-1891)
Yonge, Charlotte Mary
Young, Arthur
Young, Edward
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British Museum Department..
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de Grey, Thomas
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Doyle, James
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Draper, B.H.
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Drayton, Michael (1563-16..
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Du Maurier, George
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Duez, Nathanael
Dumas, Alexandre (1802-18..
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Ecton, John
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Eden, Janet
Edgar, John G.
Edgeworth, Maria (1767-18..
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Egan, Pierce
Ehrensvaerd, Carl August
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Eliot, T.S. (1888-1965)
Elliott, E. S.
Elmes, James (Architect)
Emery, Marie
Erasmus, Desiderius (d. 1..
Ernest, Charles
Estienne, Henri (H. Steph..
Estor, Johann Georgen
Eustachius, Bartholomaeus
Ewald, Alex. C.
Ewerbeck, Franz
Ewing, Juliana H. (1841-1..
Eyries, Jean Baptiste Ben..
Fairlie, Gerard
Falconer, William (1732-1..
Falkener, Edward
Faucon, Emma
Faulkner, Keith
Faussett, Bryan
Fe?nelon, Franc?ois de Sa..
Fearnside, W.G.
Featherstonehaugh, C.F.C.
Feltham, Owen (1602?-1668..
Fenn, G. Manville
Fenoil, Madame de
Ferrari, Giovanni Battist..
Ferrarius, Philippus (d. ..
Field, Rachel
Fielding, Henry (1707-175..
Fielding, T.H.
Firmian, Petro (pseudonym..
Fish, D.T.
Fisher, David E.
Fisher, James
Fitch, J.G.
Fitton, Elizabeth & Sarah
Fitzgerald, Sarah Jane
Fleetwood, William
Fletcher, Rev. W.
Fleuriot, Senaide
Fleury, M.
Florian, J. P.
Florus, Lucius Annaeus
Floyd, Cornelia
Forster, William J.
Forsyth, Frederick
Fosbrooke, Thomas Dudley
Fougasses, Thomas de
Fouilloux, Jacques du
Fouquet, Marie de Maupeou
Fournier, C.F.
Fox, John (1516-1587)
Francis, Clare
Francis, Dick
Franks, Thomas (M.D.)
Fraser, Antonia
Fraungruber, Hans M.
Frederic II King of Pruss..
Freeling, Nicolas
French, James Weir
Frere, A.F.
Frere, John Hookham (b. 1..
Frith, Henry
Froissart, John
Frolich, L.
Fromondus, Libertus
Frost, Robert
Fry, Christopher
Fuller, S. and J. (publis..
Fuller, Thomas DD (1608-1..
Funck, David
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Galsworthy, John
Gann, Ernest K.
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Gardner, John
Garner, William
Garratt, W.A.
Garrett, Edward
Gash, Jonathan
Gastineau, Henry (ca.1791..
Gatty, Mrs. Alfred (1809-..
Gay, John (1685-1732)
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Georgius, Pisida
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Gerard, Morice
Gerson, Virginia
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Gibran, Kahlil
Gibson, Thomas (1647-1722..
Gilliat, E.
Giovius, Paolo, Bishop of..
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Glanvill, Joseph (1636-16..
Glass, Salomon (1593-1656..
Gleig, George R.
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Godolphin, John (1617-167..
Goldsmith, Oliver (1730?-..
Golius, Theophilus (1528-..
Gomme, Geo. Laurence
Gonzalez, Emanuel
Goodman, John (1625/6-169..
Goodrich, S. G.
Gordon, Adam Lindsay
Gordon, Richard
Gordon, W. J.
Gori, Antonio Francesco
Goscinny, Rene (1926-1977..
Gotthelf, Jeremias
Gough, John
Gould, Marcus T.
Goulding, F. R.
Graber, Rudolf
Graham, Edith
Grahame, Kenneth (1859-19..
Grandineau, F.
Gray, Thomas (1716-1771)
Great Britain, Parliament
Green, E. Everett
Green, Evelyn Everett-
Greenaway, Kate (1846-190..
Greene, Graham
Greenwood, James
Grenville, William
Grey, Zane
Grimm, Brothers
Gropper, Johannes (1503-1..
Grosssmith, George & Weed..
Grotius, Hugo (1583-1645)
Guerin, Arsene
Guggenbuhl & Thurer
Guillim, John (1565-1621)
Gunter, Archibald Claveri..
Habberton, John
Hadfield, John
Haffter, Magdalena
Hakluyt, Richard (1552?-1..
Hale, Sir Matthew (1609-1..
Hall, Robert
Hall, S.R.
Hallard, M.
Hallock, Mary A.
Hammer, S.H.
Hammond, Henry (1605-1660..
Hanger, General George
Hardy, Thomas (1840-1928)
Hargreaves, Roger
Harral, Thomas
Harris, Joel Chandler (18..
Harris, Robert
Harrison, Charles
Hartley, John
Harvey, William (1578-165..
Haslewood, Constance
Heath, Richard Ford
Hebblethwaite, A.
Helps ,Sir Arthur
Hemingway, Ernest
Hendschel, Albert
Henfrey, Henry William
Henley, William Ernest
Hennedy, Roger
Henriques, Robert
Henry VIII, King of Engla..
Hensberg, Vincent (d. 163..
Henty, G. A. (1832-1902)
Herbert, A.P.
Herbert, George
Herman, Reinhold L.
Hewson, J. James
Heyer, Georgette (1902-19..
Heylyn, Peter (also spelt..
Higgis, Matthew James
Hill, John (Revd.)
Hine, Joseph
Hobbes, Thomas (1588-1679..
Hocking, Joseph
Hocking, Silas K. (1850-1..
Hoffmann, Heinrich (1809-..
Hofland, Mrs. (Barbara 17..
Holbein, Hans (1497-1543)
Holinshed, Raphael (d.158..
Holtby, Winifred
Holwell, J. Z.
Hone, William (1780-1842)
Hood, Rev. Paxton
Hood, Thomas (1799-1845)
Hooker, Richard (1553/4-1..
Hooper, Mary
Hope, Anthony (1863-1933)
Hoppus, Edward (d. 1739)
Horace (Q. Horatius Flacc..
Hort, John Josiah
Hort, W. Jillard
Houghton, Lord
Houghton, Rev. W.
Household, Geoffrey
Housman, Laurence
Howard, Frank
Howard, Lady Harriet
Howell, William (1631 or ..
Howitt, Mary (1799 -1888)
Hubbard, Elbert
Hughes, Thomas (1822-1896..
Hughes, William
Hume, David (1711-1776)
Hunt, Leigh (1784-1859)
Hunt, Wray
Hunter, Evan
Hunter, John (1728-1793)
Hutchinson, James
Hutchison, William
Huxley, Aldous
Hyginus, Caius Julius
Ibsen, Henrik (1828-1906)
Idle, Christopher
Ingelow, Jean (1820-1897)
Ingoldsby, Thomas
Innes, Michael
Irenaeus, Saint (Bishop o..
Irving, Washington
James I, King of England
James, G.P.R.
James, P. D.
Jansen, Cornelius (1510-1..
Jardine, Sir William (edi..
Jeffers, H. Paul
Jerningham, Hubert E.
Jerome, Jerome K. (1859-1..
Jerram, Mrs. (Jane E. Hol..
Jerrold, Douglas (1893- )
Jervis, Lady
Jesse, F.
Johns, Capt. W.E. (1893-1..
Johns, Rev. C.A. (1811-18..
Johnson, Joseph
Johnson, Pamela Hansford
Johnson, R.
Johnson, Samuel (1709-178..
Johnston, James F.W.
Johnston, Robert
Johnstone, C.I. (1781-185..
Jones, H.M.
Jong, Erica
Josephus, Flavius
Jovius, Paul (or Giovio,P..
Jumel, J. C.
Justin (M. Junianus Justi..
Juvenal (D. Junius Juvena..
Kaestner, Erich
Kampen, Albert von
Keane, Molly
Keate, George
Keating, H.R.F.
Keats, John (1795-1821)
Keith, Alexander
Kennett, Basil (1674-1715..
Khayyam, Omar
King, Richard
Kingsley, Charles (1819-1..
Kingston, William H.G.
Kipling, Rudyard (1865-19..
Kirby, Elizabeth
Kirby, W. F.
Kitchiner, William
Knapp, H. J.
Knatchbull-Hugessen, E .H..
Knight, Charles (1791-187..
Knowles, John
Koch, Rosalie
Kohl, J. G.
Kohlrausch, Frederick
Konig, Dr. F.
Kotzebue, August von
Kranz, Dr. C. A.
Kronheim, Joseph (1810-18..
Kronoff, Frida von
Kubasta, Vojtech
L'Estrange, Sir Roger (16..
La Fontaine, Jean de (162..
Lacroix, Paul (1806-1884)
Laing, B.
Lamb, Charles (1775-1834)
Lamb, Charles and Mary
Lambard, William (1536-16..
Lamplough, Robert Rev.
Lancaster, Osbert
Lancelotti, Secondo (1585..
Lane, Elinor Macartney
Lang, Andrew (1844-1912)
Langdale, Hon. Charles
Lapide, Cornelius (1567-1..
Larive, M.
Lathbury, Mary A.
Laurens, André (1558-1609..
Laurie, Dr.
Lavater, Johann Caspar
Law, Mary nee Christian
Lawrence, D. H.
Layard, Arthur
Lazarillo de Tormes
Le Carré, John
Le Feuvre, Amy
Le Pelletier, Jean (1633-..
Lea, William, Archdeacon
Leacock, Stephen
Lear, Edward (1812-1888)
Lee, Albert
Lehmann, Rosamond
Leigh, Percival
Leighton, Robert
Lemercier, Adrien
Lemon, Don
Lermont, L.
LeSage, Alain René (1668-..
Leslie, Emma
Lever, Charles (1806-1872..
Lewis, C. S. (1898-1963)
Lewis, D. B. Wyndham
Leycester, Sir Peter
Liermann, Hans
Liesching, L. F.
Lindsay, Jack
Linklater, Eric
Livy (Titus Livius)
Llewellyn, Richard
Loader, W. R.
Lock, Walter
Locke, John (1632-1704)
Lockyer, J. Norman
Loftie, W. J.
Longfellow, Henry Wadswor..
Loudon, Mrs. [Jane] (1807..
Lovett, Richard (1851-190..
Low, Sidney J.
Lowry, Brian
Lucan, Marcus Annaeus
Lucas, E.V.
Lucas, St.John
Lucian of Samosata
Lucretius (T. Lucretius C..
Luiken, Jan
Lunn, Wallbridge
Lupton, David
Luther, Martin (1483-1546..
Lydekker, Richard (1849-1..
Lydon, A.F.
Lyon, Lilian Bowes
Lysons, Daniel & Samuel
Lyttleton, Lord
Lytton, Lord Edward Bulwe..
M'Gregor-Robertson, J.
Macaulay, Lord (Thomas Ba..
Macaulay, Rose
Machiavelli, Nicolo (1460..
Mackay, Charles
Mackenzie, Kenneth
Mackie, Charles
MacLean, Alistair
Macquoid, Kathartine S.
Macvane, Edith
Madan, Martin (1726-1790)
Maddick, Maud
Madox, Thomas
Mahon, Lord
Maiolus, Simon (Bishop)
Makgill, James
Malham, John
Malherbe, François de (15..
Malory, Sir Thomas
Mamy, J.P.
Manelfi, Giovanni
Mangold, Dr. F.
Manning, Rev. Samuel (182..
Mansfield, M.
Mara, Grace
Marchant, Jacob
Markham, Gervase (1568?-1..
Marryat, Captain (1792-18..
Marsh, J.B.T.
Marsh, Ngaio
Marshall, (Emma) Mrs.
Marshall, H.E. (1867-1941..
Martin, Beverley
Martineau, Harriet (1802-..
Masefield, John (1878-196..
Mason, W.
Masur, Harld Q.
Mateaux, C.L.
Matthew, James E.
Matthews, Dr. W.R.
Maud, Constance Elizabeth
Maugham, W. Somerset
Maunder, Samuel
Maupertius, Pierre-Louis-..
Maurice, Abel
Mauriceau, Francois
Maurois, André (1885-1967..
Mavor, William (1758-1837..
Maxwell, William Hamilton
Mayhew, Henry (1812-1887)
Mayhew, Horace (1816-1872..
McCandless, Anthony
McCullough, Colleen
McDonald, Marguerite
Meade, L.T. (1854-1914)
Meggendorfer, Lothar
Melville, G.J.
Merriman, Henry Seton
Mesmer, Franz Anton
Metropolitan Anthony
Meursius, Joannes (1579-1..
Meynell, Alice
Michelet, Jules
Millay, Edna St. Vincent
Miller, Thomas
Milles, Thomas
Mills, Alfred
Milman, H.H.
Milne, A. A. (1882-1956)
Milton, John (1608-1674)
Mitchell, G.
Mitford, Mary Russell (17..
Mogridge, George
Molesworth, Mrs. (1839-19..
Moll, Herman
Molloy, Charles (1646-169..
Monsarrat, Nicholas
Montesquieu, Charles (168..
Moorcock, Michael
Moore, Edward
Moore, Francis
Moore, John (1907-1967)
Moore, Thomas (1779-1852)
Morgan, Charles
Morley, Henry
Morris, Edward E.
Morris, F. O. (1810-1893)
Mortimer, John (1923-2009..
Morton, Harriet
Morton, J. B
Morton, Richard (1637-169..
Morwood, Vernon S.
Moscherosch, Johann Micha..
Moss, Robert (1666-1729)
Moulton, W. Fiddian
Mudie, Robert (1777-1842)
Mulholland, Rosa
Mullooly, Joseph
Mulot, François-Valentin
Murray, Charlotte
Murray, Gilbert (1866-195..
Murray, Richard
Myers, Robert J.
Nash, Joseph (1808-1878)
Neal, Daniel
Neny, Patrice-Francois de
Nepos, Cornelius
Newcomb, Harvey
Newman, Edward
Newton, W.
Nielsen, O.
Nieremberg, Juan (1595-16..
Nieuhoff, John
Nieupoort, G.H.
Nister, Ernest
Noorthouck, John
Norris, John (1657-1711)
Northcote, James R.A.
Novarini, Luigi (1594-165..
Noyce, Elisha
O'Brien, Edna
O'Brien, Kate
O'Donnell, Mabel
O'Hara, John
Observer's Book
Ogilby, John (1600-1676)
Okri, Ben
Oldfield, Thomas Hinton
Oldham, John (1653-1683)
Omar Khayyam
Onley, Mary
Orczy, Baroness
Orlandini, Niccolo
Orosius, Paulus
Orta, Garcia de
Outhwaite, Ida Rentoul
Ovid (P. Ovidius Naso)
Owen, J. A.
Owen, Rev. William
Page, C. H.
Paley, William (1743-1805..
Palgrave, Francis Turner
Pancirolus, Guy (1523-159..
Pardoe, Miss (Julia) (180..
Paris, Matthew (1200-1259..
Parker, John H.
Parker, Richard
Parkinson, C. Northcote
Parkyns, G. J.
Parley, Peter
Parr, Olive Katherine
Parry, Edward Abbott
Parry, Griffith (1827-190..
Pascal, Blaise (1623-1662..
Paterson, Lieutenant-Colo..
Patrick, Symon (1626-1707..
Paul of Aegina
Paulus, Diaconus (Deacon ..
Pauquet, Hippolyte
Peacock, Thomas Love (178..
Pechel, Dr. Rud.
Pemberton, Max
Penn, William (1644-1717)
Pennington, Isaac
Perefixe de Beaumont, Har..
Perotti, Niccolo (1430-14..
Perrault, Charles (1628-1..
Perrens, F.-T.
Perrinchief, Richard (162..
Perry, Commodore
Peters, Ellis
Peters, William Theodore
Peucer, Caspar (1525-1602..
Pezzi, Lorenzo (L. Petius..
Phillip, Arthur
Pin, Lewis Ellies du
Pinnock, George (Rev)
Pitaval, Gayot de
Planche, James Robinson
Pletsch, Oscar (1830-1888..
Pliny (C. Plinius Secundu..
Plomer, Henry R.
Plomer, William
Poe, Edgar Allan (1809-18..
Pollard, Alfred W.
Polycarp, Saint Bishop of..
Pomey, Franc?ois Antoine
Pontanus, Johannes Isaac ..
Pope, Alexander (1688-174..
Porson, Richard
Porter, Ebenezer (1772-18..
Postell, Guillaume (1510-..
Potter, Beatrix (1866-194..
Pouchet, F.A.
Pratt, Anne (1806-1893)
Prechac, Jean de (1647?-1..
Price, Anthony
Priestley, J. B.
Procopius of Caesarea
Procter, Adelaide Anne
Proust, Marcel (1871-1922..
Pugin, Augustus (1812-185..
Pulleyn, William
Purchas, Samuel
Putlitz, Gustav zu
Putz, Everilda Von
Rackham, Arthur (1867-193..
Radford, Dollie
Rafferty, Mike
Raithby, John of Lincoln'..
Ralegh, Phillip
Ralston, W.
Ransome, Arthur (1884-196..
Read, John Lawrence
Read, Miss
Reade, F. E.
Reed, Langford
Rennie, James
Reynolds, Sir Joshua (172..
Rhyn, Dr Otto Henne
Richmond, Revd. Legh (177..
Richter, Ludwig
Riecke, C. F.
Ritchie, J. Ewing
Riverius, Lazarus (1589-1..
Roberts, Cecil
Robertson, Archibald
Robertson, J.S.
Robinson, William
Robson, Mary
Roche, Mazo De La
Rocoles, J. B. de
Rogers, Jame E.
Rohl, Hans (Roehl)
Romaine, W.
Roscoe, William (1753-183..
Rosengarten, J.G.
Ross, Alexander (1591-165..
Rossetti, Christina (1830..
Rous, Francis (1579-1659)
Rousselet, Louis
Rowan, Frederica
Rowley, Alexander (1591-1..
Roy, William
Rudland, E. M.
Rudler, F. W.
Rufus, Q. Curtius
Ruskin, John (1819-1900)
Sabatini, Rafael
Sagan, Françoise (1935- )
Saikaku, Ihara
Saki (Hector Hugh Munro)
Sala, George Ausustus
Salinger, Pierre
Sallust (C. Sallustius Cr..
Salmon, William (1644-171..
Sandius, Christopherus
Sandys, George (1578-1644..
Sansom, William
Sapper, Agnes
Sargent, George E.
Sartorius, Georg von
Sassoon, Siegfried (1886-..
Saunders, Howard
Savage, Richard Henry
Savary, Jean Julien Miche..
Saville, J. F.
Sayers, Dorothy L.
Scaliger, Joseph (1540-16..
Scamozzi, Vincenzo (1552-..
Scepper, Cornelius (or Sc..
Scheffel, J. V
Schlosser, F. C.
Schmid, Christoph von (17..
Schneider, Max G.
Schonberger, Kathe Olshau..
Schulz, Charles M.
Scott, J. M.
Scott,Walter (1771-1832)
Scupoli, Lorenzo (1530-16..
Searle, Ronald
Seccombe, Thomas S. (1840..
Selby, Charles
Selden, John (1584-1654)
Sellar, W. C. & R. J. Yea..
Sennert, Daniel (1572-163..
Sere, Ferdinand
Sévigné, Marie de Rabutin..
Sewell, Mrs.
Shakespeare, William
Sharpe, R. Bowdler
Shaw, George Bernard
Shaw, Henry
Shaw, Irwin
Sheffield, J. Duke of Buc..
Shelley, Percy Bysshe
Shelton, Thomas
Shenstone, William
Sheridan, Richard Brinsle..
Sherwood, Mary Martha
Sidney, Sir Philip (1554-..
Simpson, A.L.
Sitwell, Edith (1887-1964..
Sitwell, Osbert (1892-196..
Skinner, Michael
Smedley, Frank E.
Smith, Philip
Smith, Richard (1566-1655..
Smith, Sarah
Smith, Sydney (1771-1845)
Smith, W. Percy
Smollett, Tobias (1721-17..
Snow, C. P.
Sobel, Mme J. de
Society of Friends
Somervile, William
Sotheby, W.
Soulby, W. H.
Spark, Murial
Speaight, Robert
Speed, John (1552-1629)
Spelman, Henry, Sir (1564..
Spencer, John (d.1680)
Spencer, W.R.
Spender, Stephen
Spenser, Edmund (1552?-15..
Spinneker, Adriaan
Spinniker, Adriaan (1676-..
Spittler, Carl
Sprat, Thomas (1635-17130
Spring, Howard
Stanesby, Samuel
Stanley, William (1647-17..
Stebbing, Grace
Steinhausen, Karl Wilhelm
Sterne, Laurence (1713-17..
Sternhold, Thomas
Stevens, Henry
Stevenson, Robert Louis
Stewart, Alexander
Stewart, Mary
Stickelberger, E.
Stillingfleet, Edward (16..
Stockdale, Louise
Story, Florence M.
Stow, J. P.
Stow, John (1525?-1605)
Stowe, Harriet Beecher
Strachey, M.C.
Strutt, Joseph (1749-1802..
Stubbe, Henry
Stumpf, Johannes (1500-15..
Sturm, Johannes
Suetonius, Caius Tranquil..
Sultzbergern, Joh. Ulrich..
Surtees, Robert (1805-186..
Swain, Charles
Swallow, A.
Tabori, Paul
Tacitus, C. Cornelius
Talbot, B.
Talbot, Eleanor W.
Tarbat, Alan C.
Tasso, Torquato (1544-159..
Tatum. J. W
Taylor, Ann (1782-1866)
Taylor, Issac
Taylor, Jefferys
Taylor, Jeremy (1613-1667..
Taylor, John
Temple, A.G.
Temple, William, Sir (162..
Tennyson, Alfred Lord (18..
Thackeray, W.M. (1811-186..
Thayer, Mrs. J.
The Times Special Corresp..
Theroux, Paul
Thomas à Kempis (1380-147..
Thomas Aquinas (1225?-12..
Thomas, Robert B.
Thompson, D'Arcy W.
Thompson, Francis
Thompson, Kay
Thompson, Robert
Thomson, A. A.
Thomson, James (1700-1748..
Thorn, Alex
Thorne, James
Thorpe, Rose Hartwick
Tickell, John
Tillinghast, William
Timbs, John
Toepffer, R.
Toland, John
Tollius, Jacobus (1630-16..
Tomlinson, A. E.
Tomlinson, Charles
Tomlinson, H. M
Townley, Pamela
Townsend, Sue
Tremaine, Sir John
Trench, Richard Chenevix
Trevor, Elleston
Trew, Antony
Trimmer, Mrs. Sarah (1741..
Trollope, Anthony (1815-1..
Tronson, Robert
Tucker, Elizabeth S.
Tuer, Andrew W
Turner, Dawson
Turner, Elizabeth
Twain, Mark (1835-1910)
Twamley, Louisa Anne (181..
Tweedie, Jill
Tweedie, W. K.
Tylee, Mrs. George
Tytler, Sarah
Tytler, William
Umphelby, Fanny
Urban, Sylvanus
Ursin, Johann Heinrich
Ustinov, Peter
Uttley, Alison (1884-1976..
Vachell, Horace Annesly
Valentine, Mrs. (= Aunt L..
Vallemont, Pierre Le Lorr..
Varenius, Bernhard
Venables, Roger
Venning, Mary Anne
Verne, Jules (1828-1905)
Vertot, l'Abbé de
Verus, Joannes Baptista
Vidoudez, Marcel
Vincent of Lerins, Saint
Vinnius, Arnoldus (1588-1..
Virgil (Vergil, Virgilius..
Vivian, Francis
Voltaire (1694-1778)
Vondel, Joost van den
Vossius, Gerard (1577-164..
Waggerl, Karl Heinrich
Walden, Bruno
Walford, Edward
Walker, Ellis
Walker, James P.
Walker, John
Walkup, Eunice
Wallace, Robert L.
Waller, Edmund (1606-1687..
Walpole, Horace (1717-179..
Walpole, Hugh
Walton, Isaac (1593-1638)
Waring, Robert (1614-1658..
Warner Brothers - Seven A..
Warner, George F.
Warner, Susan
Warner, Susan Bogert
Watkins, John
Watson, Alfred E.T.
Watt, Alexander
Watts, Isaac (1674-1748)
Wauch, Mansie
Waugh, Alec
Weatherly,Frederic E.(184..
Webb, Maria
Webb, William
Webster, Daniel
Wedel, Georg Wolffgang
Weedon, L. L.
Weemes, John (1579?-1636)
Weir, Harrison (1824-1906..
Weldon, Fay
Wells, H.G. (1866-1946)
Wentworth, Patricia
Wepfer, Johann Jacob (162..
West, Mrs. F. (Theresa)
West, Rebecca
Westheimer, David
Wetzell, Mme
Whately, Edward W.
Wheler, R. B.
White, Henry Kirke (1785-..
White, T. H. (1906-1964)
Whiteley, David
Wightwick, George
Wilberforce, Samuel (1805..
Wilde, Charles
Wilde, Oscar (1854-1900)
Wilder, Robert
Willis, Nathaliel P.
Wilson, Andrew
Wilson, Angus
Wilson, Thomas
Wingrave, Marion M.
Winter, J. S.
Wither, George (1588-1667..
Withers, John (1669-1729)
Withrow, W. H.
Wodehouse, P.G. (1881-197..
Wolff, O. L. B.
Wood, James
Wood, Mrs. Henry (1814-18..
Wood, Rev. J.G. (1827-188..
Wood, Samuel
Wood, W.
Woodbury, I. B.
Woodville, William
Wordsworth, William (1770..
Wormell, Richard
Wray, J. Jackson
Wright, Caleb
Wright, Thomas
Wylde, James
Wynne, J. H.
Wyss, Gottlieb
Wyss, Johann David (1743-..
Yates, Dornford (1885-196..
Yonge, Charles (1812-1891..
Yonge, Charlotte Mary
Young, Arthur
Young, Edward
Zangwill, Israel
Zeller, A.
Zosimus (the historian)
Zschokke, Heinrich
Zuricher, Gertrud
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